Saccharomyces cerevisiae
LalBrew CBC-1™ has been specifically selected from the Lallemand Yeast Culture Collection for its refermentation properties and is recommended for Cask and Bottle Conditioning. LalBrew CBC-1™ referments beer efficiently due to its high resistance to alcohol and pressure. The flavor is neutral, therefore the original character of the beer is preserved. The yeast will settle and form a tight mat at the end of refermentation. LalBrew CBC-1™ can be used for primary fermentation of dry ciders or mead. Maltotriose is not metabolized during primary fermentation of beer, so LalBrew CBC-1™ is well suited for sweeter fruit beers or full-bodied, malty ales.
Shows flocculation and sedimentation at the end of the refermentation period. LalBrew® CBC-1 does not impact on the flavor of the original beer to be refermented. LalBrew® CBC-1 is best used for refermentation purposes conducted preferably with priming sugars such as dextrose fermenting yeast. When 10g of active dry yeast is used to inoculate 1hl of beer, a yeast concentration of 1-2 million cells per ml is achieved. Please note that different batch of yeast may vary in cell density; to obtain the exact cell numbers per g of dry yeast for a particular batch please contact
Lalbrew Cbc-1 - Cask And Bottle Conditioning Yeast
Bottle conditioning of all beer styles
Primary fermetation of fruit beers, full-bodied, malty ales dry cider and mead